thanksCan you paint your cell phone with nail polish?
If it is plastic I would highly recommend that you NOT do that. It is liable to ';eat'; the plastic and make it bubble up and be even more unattractive then when you startedCan you paint your cell phone with nail polish?
Well if its all beat up and you do not want to buy a cover go ahead.
It wont hurt your phone.
If you drop it little pieces will flake off.
And if u do not like it you can always wipe finger nail polish remover on it to take it off,just be careful you do not get anything on the battery.
First of all, I don't recommend it because it may void your warranty. Now that THAT'S out of the way...
I think it'll flake off and become all scratched the way it does on your nails.
Now my friend always said he wanted to paint his cell phone using model car paint but he never tried it.
have you searched websites? They make cellphone cases to fit EVERY phone. And if you cant find any, make your own!
Seriously? NAIL POLISH?? That's the dumbest mistake you would make, and guess what? Your warranty would be gone just like THAT if you do something stupid like that.
Go right ahead.
if its already scratched up
and if you werent
the one who purchased it
then go right ahead.
make sure u do the right color.
and u might as well put a nice,
shiny coat on top=]
good luck
dont paint it stupid! get a hard case or skin for it. it will cover up the outside shell thats all scratched up....
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