Monday, November 30, 2009

How do I get nail polish off my T.V screen?

Nail polish remover or acetone. But if you have one of those plasma or projector TV, I suggest to consult with the manufacturer because acetone may damage the surface.How do I get nail polish off my T.V screen?
soap and water.How do I get nail polish off my T.V screen?
baby oil and a cotton ball, believe it or not, it works....
use a razor blade

Be Blessed!
Nail polish remover. Just be careful with it and make sure to only put it on the nail polish and on as little of the screen as possible.
Use a razor blade held close to flat and increase the angle until it pops off. It will chip right off. No chemicals used!
Try using eucalyptus oil, I know it gets nikko pen off stuff. I would assume you've tried nail polish remover and methylated spirits?
Use some nail polish remover. Just don't use a lot!
Try some nail polish remover.
Nail polish remover

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