Monday, November 30, 2009

Guys with feet fetishes: What do you think of black nail polish?

Like black toe nails?

Is that sexy?Guys with feet fetishes: What do you think of black nail polish?
Yup, i like black nail polish, anything dark basically, like dark red also, stuff like that. Nothing bright like pink, white or yellow, dont like that. Blue is the brightests ill go.Guys with feet fetishes: What do you think of black nail polish?
I'd have to see a picture hehe email

Seriously I have never seen a women with black nail polish. But it could be sexy. And i like dirt as long as it is on a womans foot.
Black nail polish can be very sexy depending on her personality, skin tone, and outfit..

No. It would remind me of dirt. No!
Yes, black is nice.

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