Thursday, December 3, 2009

Does nail polish remover really thin out too thick nail polish?

won't it make it chip off considering it's a remover? my polish is thick and I need to find a way to make it thinner!Does nail polish remover really thin out too thick nail polish?
yes, it's true.

Depending on the brand of polish, the fridge can cause them to thin out or actually thicken.Does nail polish remover really thin out too thick nail polish?
Actually the only type of nail polish remover that thins out nailpolish is acetone, I find it the best nail polish remover to, some people think it ruins the nails but I disagree. Next time you find an old nail polish in the cupboard that is thick and gluggy put a few drops of acetone in it.. Report Abuse

Yes! It's amazing. My aunt taught me that trick. Also, keeping them in the fridge helps.
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