Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why does nail polish last longer on your toes then on your hands?

Toe nail polish tends to last longer because they're protected by your shoes most of the time. Even if you wear sandals or open-toe shoes ALL the time... your finger nails are constantly being banged against hard surfaces. Plus you have to keep in mind that if you wash dishes, the water loosens the nail polish as well... and when you shower and wash your hair... your causing the loosened nail polish to be rubbed off by your scalps and what not. So as you can see there are many factors that affect the nail polish on your fingers and not so many for the polish on your toes. :O)Why does nail polish last longer on your toes then on your hands?
Probably because your toes are protected by shoes most of the time and so they don't knock into stuff as much as your hands do. I find it doesnt last as long if i go to the beach or something cuz the sand wears it away.
  • hair straightening
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